Super Rivals #2 page 21
on September 28, 2020
at 12:01 am

Page 4 of my new vote incentive comic has just been posted! Vote to see just what kind of trouble Sharona has gotten herself into!
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Butt Shot!
There are plenty of those in this comic! 😀
That’s the thing about jumping as opposed to actually flying: once you’re in motion, you can’t just change course, and there are no breaks.
And of course, even if you’re flying, there are problems. You get smacked in any direction, and you’re gonna be knocked flying, no matter how strong you are.
Very true. Both Awesome Girl and Krushya will discover the risks of their respective fighting styles before this battle is over!
Who bets Krushya knocks it Awesome Girl with her butt?
That’s a pretty safe bet! 😉
Hey, if you can’t have Spider Powers then Quip-Fu is the next best thing!
Having strong Quip-Fu skills is a must for any superhero!
Someone has a wit like Spiderman.
And a bigger chest too! Win/win! 😀
Reminds me of the Scarlett Widow, she had all of Spider-Man’s powers to a varying degree and a chest so large that she painted a scarlet hourglass on it! It was sexy and hilarious at the same time!
Sexy and hilarious is also a win/win!
I can’t find any information about that character. When I google “Scarlet(t) Widow” I get ten pages of links about Scarlett Johanssen as Black Widow. Or Scarlet Witch/Black Widow slash fic.
Oho! So Sharona is carrying a legacy weapon…?
Apparently. Sharona came across it in her travels(I’ll have to tell that story some time) and although she knows it has supernatural properties, she’s never had the knowledge or interest in unlocking it’s secrets.
Haralabas, on the other hand, has very extensive knowledge of the mystical and the occult, and is only too aware of what Sharona is wielding.
Ouch! Faceplant!
Good thing she had cushioning!
And, I am all caught up with the binge-reading!
Fantastic comic! I can’t wait for the next page!