Sharona, I think you’ve let the fact so many people find you irresistible go to your head. Trying to seduce what appears to be a demon is a bit above your pay grade.
Also, I’m surprised you were able to walk after this treatment, let alone run.
Yes, of course just like your brother who hasn’t seen the popular and prevalent motion pictures like Return of the Jedi, The Matrix and here, the all conquering MCU … but however he has seen things like Michael Mann’s The Keep and Indiegogo funded The Void (I mean I have too but that’s beside the point) … of course you’ve not see Captain America 3: Civil War either.
A naked black lady in front of her is sure to give her a shock.
I don’t think it was what she was expecting when he said “PR issue”.
Wow, Terry. Way to lower for standards on what constitutes a good employer.
At least the pay is good…
Sharona, I think you’ve let the fact so many people find you irresistible go to your head. Trying to seduce what appears to be a demon is a bit above your pay grade.
Also, I’m surprised you were able to walk after this treatment, let alone run.
Yes, Sharona may have underestimated Haralabas a little bit here. And things are going to get worse for her before they get better too!
Heh, I’d that’s less of a little PR issue and more a thicc and curvy one! *Rimshot*…..Ok I’ll see myself out now.
LOL! I see what you did there. 😀
“Terry Stank! I have a parcel for Terry Stank!”
LOL! I’ve never seen that scene. Priceless!
Yes, of course just like your brother who hasn’t seen the popular and prevalent motion pictures like Return of the Jedi, The Matrix and here, the all conquering MCU … but however he has seen things like Michael Mann’s The Keep and Indiegogo funded The Void (I mean I have too but that’s beside the point) … of course you’ve not see Captain America 3: Civil War either.
It’s as if you were of the same mind.
Or have the same mind.
Hmmmmmmm …