Super Rivals #5 page 13

Wonderburgh Exposed follows the sexy misadventures of the non-superpowered citizens of the city!
Byron may not be a superhero, but he’s a wizard when it comes to fixing computers! So when a friend asks for a favor, he assumes it’s a simple software problem, but little does he know, things are about to get very… hard.
(And don’t worry, Sharona fans, I will be launching a new Sharona story once I have finished the Wonderburgh Exposed preview.)
…….AND these two are still going at it,I see. And thunder bunny is in ALL her glory!Nice!
Thunder Bunny isn’t very good at multi-tasking. She tends to get very focused on one thing to the exclusion of everything else, which can lead to some embarrassing situations like this.
Yes, she is.
That is the point.
ikr?I ???&either way,barbarian, or warrior, she’s fun to watch!
I suspect the citizens of Wonderburgh(especially the male ones) agree with you!
When you want revenge on your hero, you ignore Public Indecency.
Absolutely! It’s all about priorities. 😉
And thunder bunny’s priorities tend to be on the area of what I call ”left field land!”???
Definitely unexplored territory!
In D&D / PF-terms, Thunder Bunny would probably make a good Barbarian.
Or Amazon Warrior
Probably so. She certainly has that “shoot first, ask questions later” mentality.
Or shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more, and then after everyone is dead, try to ask a question or two, would be more her approach, judging from her way of handling situations thus far.
Thunder Bunny is a tad on the impulsive side.
In fact, her impulsiveness is what got her kicked out of the Justice buddies in the first place, but more on that later…
Hopefully, sooner than later, buddy. I’m not complaining, mind you. I look forward to seeing this comic come out.