Super Rivals #5 page 22

Have you ever wondered what happens at the brothel while Sharona is off on one of her adventures? Well, now’s your chance to find out!
Tales From The Brothel follows the sexy misadventures of the ladies who make pleasure their business!
Now who’s behind her?is it a guard, or another escaping inmate?
We will find out on the next page, but whoever it is, they don’t sound friendly!
Ikr?however, I think that she has things well in hand.
Actually “Well in hand” is a much more accurate description than you realize.
(Although it’s only fair to warn you that the next page isn’t for the faint of heart!)
Looking forward to seeing it.
My guess is a Dark Hero working undercover and also about the Tales from the Brothel, where’s the new page?
We will find out on the next page! 😉
The new page of Tales From the Brothel has just been posted!