Super Rivals #5 page 25

Have you ever wondered what happens at the brothel while Sharona is off on one of her adventures? Well, now’s your chance to find out!
Tales From The Brothel follows the sexy misadventures of the ladies who make pleasure their business!
Jesus Christ, Madam Mischief’s ability to copy people is so complete she can copy a persona scent! She’s like a combination of Mystique and Copycat! It’s also amazing that Thunder Bunny’s sense of smell is so strong or she’s just that obsessed with Awesome Girl!
Madam Mischief’s abilities are pretty unique even for a shapeshifter(more on that later). 😉
Thunder Bunny’s sense of smell is pretty average actually. She’s just an obsessed fangirl.
It’s quite obvious that thunder bunny is into awesome girl….just how far is this going to go?inquiring minds want to know!
With Thunder Bunny it’s more of a case of idolization rather than infatuation.
Happy that Thunder Bunny finally realized the truth but what she said about Awesome Girl’s smell; she’s fangirl insane. Wonder who that 1st timer will pick?
Thunder Bunny takes fangirl insane to a whole new level! 😀
On that,we agree. How far do we have to wait for T.bunny to start humping A.girl’s leg?!?
I say scissoring but in the Uncensored version when its released. Along with the rest of The Savage Sword of Sharona comics if it happens.
I’ll look forward to seeing this,buddy!
I have plans to release the next Super Rivals uncut ebook soon. I also have plans to release more uncut Sharona books too, but my schedule has been busy lately and it’s gotten pushed back, but I do intend to put them out as soon as I can.
There will definitely be some humping going on shortly, but not necessarily from who you might think! 😉
Hmm… REALLY looking forward to seeing this!