Super Rivals #5 page 27

Have you ever wondered what happens at the brothel while Sharona is off on one of her adventures? Well, now’s your chance to find out!
Tales From The Brothel follows the sexy misadventures of the ladies who make pleasure their business!
Between the two of them, I see they’re able to address the emotional and physical requirements for their investigation… heh.
That’s what makes them such a great team!*
* Awesome Girl might not necessarily agree with that sentiment. 😉
I knew that SOMEONE was going to bonetown!&I didn’t need the psychic hotline, either on just who it was!
Latex Scorpion holds dual citizenship in the USA and Bonetown! 😀
Ikr?&she’s a frequent traveler who has a LOT of travel miles under her belt!?
Place you guess on who will win? Latex Scorpion or Alex, the Sex Worker Therapist? Who will climax first; the paroled villainess or S&M Dominatrix professional? Come on baby!
We will find out on the next page! 😉
Looking forward to seeing this one!
It won’t disappoint!