Super Rivals #5 page 31

Have you ever wondered what happens at the brothel while Sharona is off on one of her adventures? Well, now’s your chance to find out!
Tales From The Brothel follows the sexy misadventures of the ladies who make pleasure their business!
* Shot in the dark guess * : Madame Mischief was never dead…or she’s got a daughter or twin sister ( * old mystery movie close up * , DUN-DUN-DUN music).
In total agreement with you, pal. At least, until a better scenario pops up. But it looks like it’s team-up time for T.bunny!
Yes indeed! The Awesome Girl/Thunder Bunny show is about to go on the road!
I hope that this will mean that T.bunny will be a permanent member of this team, or at least seen more than a one time situation?
Whether she makes the team or not, I do plan to do more with Thunder Bunny in the future.
There aren’t many “one and done” characters in the Super Rivals universe.
Madam Mischief does appear to be alive and kicking! But how she managed that feat after we learn more about her demise, will be quite a puzzler.
It could be a cheap clone of Madam Mischief, I mean… we seen robots that look like actual humans and mutations, creating organic replicas is possible. Oh and about your last page, it took me a week to realize it. Awesome Girl shouldn’t gotten pissed at Latex for having sex because she did that with the actors who play as Barclay the Dinosaur and Nora the explorer
Yes, AG should be a tad more understanding with LS given her own indiscretions, but as the saying goes: “We judge our motivations, but judge others’ actions”.
Classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. AG hasn’t any floor to stand on saying anything about what LS can do…or in this instance,who to do.